The Gospel According to Isaiah


Main Scripture: Isaiah 53:7-12


The Gospel According to Isaiah

The Gospel According to Isaiah
Isaiah 53:7-12
- the most explicit, glorious, lengthy, detailed and precious prophecy of Jesus Christ
- like a ring which sets forth the jewel, like frame which sets forth the masterpiece
- main events of the gospel presented to us, in perfect flow (the gospel according to Isaiah, written around 700 years before Christ)
- purpose: that we would simply see Christ more clearly and therefore love Him more
I. His trial (v. 7)
- a look into the mindset and response of Christ going through the trial - silent, submissive
- He was not stunned into silence. He knew what He was about to go through
- it was not ignorance, but rather obedience
- there were many factors that almost made the trial illegitimate which Jesus could have pointed out in order to counter it
- His silence is shocking because it is not how we would respond under the same circumstance
II. His death (v. 😎
- people didn't understand the significance of His dying on the cross. It was a very lonely occasion to Him
- Jesus died for our sins. We have been saved to the utmost
- there is danger in forgetting it. We say it so often that it sort of dies due to familiarity
III. His burial (v. 9)
- they would have left Him in the grave to rot and die but that was not what happened. He was buried and placed in a tomb owned by a wealthy man
- he would have been left on the tree to be mocked and despised by the passersby, but "God would not let His body see corruption"
IV. His resurrection (v. 10-11a)
- why was He raised from the dead? Many things can be true answers. But according to Isaiah 53, it was so that He might enjoy His offspring, enjoy and be satisfied by the results of His work
- if your heart is not moved by the fact that Jesus was raised in order to joy in you, nothing else will do
V. His exultation (v. 12)
- a reward for what He's done
VI. His intercession (v. 12)
- we need to realise that we worship Christ not only for what He's done but for what He is still doing - interceding for us
- we thank Him not only for His past graces but also for what He's doing now on behalf of His people
1 John 2:1
Romans 8:34
Hebrews 27:23
- the reason that we can call God our Father is because we have Christ as our Brother, our High Priest, pleading on our behalf - joyfully, continually, forever.
"Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!"