What we do
We welcome you to join us as we worship, serve and learn God's Word.
Sunday Morning Worship Service
Sundays 10:30am at Hingaia Peninsula School, Hingaia/Karaka
We meet every Sunday at 10:30am to worship our God. We come together as young and old, from various cultures and backgrounds, united in the gospel. Together we feed on the means of grace through singing meaningful hymns, both historic and contemporary, through prayer for our church, our nation, and our world, through hearing the scriptures read publicly and preached expositionally, and through celebrating the Lord's table, which we do every Sunday.
Bible Study
Sundays 9:30am at Hingaia Peninsula School, Hingaia/Karaka
We love the Bible. It is the Sword of the Spirit that does surgery on our hearts and minds and transforms us into the likeness of Jesus.
Every Sunday morning from 9:30 at the church we have an adult Bible study prior to our 10:30 worship service. Here there is an opportunity for discussion and questions as well as teaching from the front. This runs alongside our Children’s Sunday School program which also starts at 9:30.
Sunday School for Children
Sundays 9:30am at Hingaia Peninsula School, Hingaia/Karaka
Our children are God’s precious gift to us. We make every effort to see them grow in knowledge of Christ and in due course our deepest prayer is that they would come to faith in Him as their Lord and Saviour.
9:30am Sunday morning we run Sunday school classes for preschool age (3-4yrs), junior primary (5-7 yrs) primary (8-10yrs) and intermediate (11yrs+). Children learn the bible, sing songs, pray and build relationships with each other.
In addition to this we welcome children into the 10:30am worship service so they might see their parents engaged in mature worship. We also make every effort to help them engage and understand what is being said and done by providing worksheets specific to the sermon that day.
Prayer Meeting
Thursdays 7:30pm at 11 Alicante Ave, Hillpark
We believe we can do nothing without God. So we must come regularly to the throne of grace and lay our requests before Him. We have a weekly prayer meeting that is well attended.
Sunday Evening Service
Third Sundays 5:00pm at 1 Suwyn Place, Weymouth
Once a month we have an evening service, after which we fellowship over a shared meal.
FridaYouth Night
Second and Fourth Fridays 7:00pm at 11 Alicante Ave, Hillpark
This is for young people from the ages of 12 upwards.
Sisters' Fellowship
Third Fridays 7:15pm at 11 Alicante Ave, Hillpark
A time for the ladies to meet and study the word together.
We want to be a community that knows each other and loves one another. To help us with this we have a shared lunch after the service on the first Sunday of every month.
One of our favourite times of year is our annual church camp! This is a wonderful time to spend extended time together, sharing meals, doing fun activities together, worshiping together and hearing from God’s word!
The members of our church are passionate about sharing the gospel. We have several regular organised evangelism events, including regularly sharing the gospel at various markets and street corners around south Auckland, and a regular protest against abortion which also includes a gospel presentation.
For more details send us a message through the contact page or call Ian on 027 477 2473.