Resurrection of Christ and Christian hope

Resurrection of Christ and Christian hope
It often seems to be the case that Jesus' death is focused on more than the resurrection. This is understandable, because after all it was at the cross that our sins were dealt with. While it is amazing that Jesus rose from the dead, it is far more shocking to realise that the Son of God would be so gracious as to come and die for us. So it is right that the cross is central, but the resurrection is not to be secondary. Everything that was achieved on the cross started to be put into place—the new heavens and the new earth and the new creation—when Christ arose. Christ was the first fruits of the new creation.
This passage is all about the resurrection. Paul gives us a sequence of reasons why the resurrection is of utmost importance. If the resurrection were not true, preaching is in vain, faith is in vain, apostolic witness is faulty, we are still sinners, all our loved ones have perished, and we are most to be pitied. But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, so each of these points can be made into positive statements.
1 Cor 15:14 "And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain . . ." We live in a time when preaching the gospel will cost us friendships, employment, prestige, and family harmony. Things may get worse. Preaching can one day become illegal, and we may one day have to endure real physical persecution. Why would we continue to preach? Why do parents persist in sharing the gospel with children? It is because 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ really did rise from the dead. In the end, the only thing that will matter for the children is whether they put their faith in the Christ who we now preach. Only through this will their own resurrection happen. Far from being in vain, the preaching of the word, of the apostles' teaching and witness, is vitally relevant.
1 Cor 15:14 "And if Christ has not been raised, . . . your faith is in vain." 1 Cor 15:17 "And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile . . ."Christ is the first fruits, and we will be the latter fruits (1 Corinthians 15:20). One day, this sick, depressed, foolish, dying body will rise to be perfectly healthy and sound. Our sins will be put off completely and we will live. How wonderful that we are given every Sunday to remember the resurrection and our hope in Jesus.
Everyone agrees with 1 Corinthians 15:14 "And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain." Everyone—unbelievers and believers—agree with this. Where we part ways is to do with whether Christ did indeed rise. Some unbelieving pastors will even preach that Christ is risen, as a kind of metaphor for something else. But the resurrection is a historical event.
Some say that they will believe the resurrection only if it can be proved by some kind of scientific method. And yet these very people would believe in morality, beauty, and intrinsic value, none of which can be proved by any scientific method. It is only by starting with God, can one make sense of the world or anything else. For it is He who made the word logical, knowable, and ordered.
1 Cor 15:17 "And if Christ has not been raised, . . . you are still in your sins."
If we are still in our sins, we are under God's wrath. Atheism has more hope than Christianity, apart from the resurrection. It would be better for there to be no God than to have a God who will punish us for our sins. But because Christ is raised, our sins have been removed. We know that it is the death of Jesus that brings us forgiveness, because He paid for it on the cross. Then why does Paul say that our sins are removed because of the resurrection? He does not mean it in the sense that the rising caused our sins to be removed but the sense is like that in Romans 4:25 (He who was delivered over because of our wrongdoings, and was raised because of our justification.)The resurrection is proof that what Jesus did and said is true, and we can be sure that we are saved if we have put our faith in Him.
1 Cor 15:18 "Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished."
In secular funerals, it is obvious that having no way of processing what has happened to their loved one, many things get said that they probably do not actually believe. Things like 'they have gone to a better place.' 'they are watching us from above,' their spirits live on in our spirit,' and so on. Paul says here that there is no hope for those who have died, but for resurrection of Christ on whom we must place our faith. This is why we see that Christian funerals are different, and we do not grieve like those who have no hope (1 Thessalonians 4:13).
Death is described as falling asleep. We love our sleep at the end of each day, and we expect to wake up and for all to be well. This is death for a believer. It is not permanent. Add to this the fact that when we wake up, we will be with Christ. This is not a sad or difficult thing; it is a blessed thing. And it is true because Christ was raised from the dead.
1 Cor 15:19 "If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied."
The most persecuted people group in the world are Christians, being more widely and consistently persecuted. Jesus described the Christian life as that of taking up a cross. A Christian is like one sentenced to die, whipped and flogged, and made to carry the cross, with the prospect of walking up a path of struggle and sweat, being mocked at, and falling under the weight of the cross. Such a person would be most to be pitied. But Paul wants this statement turned around; the Christian's journey ought to be envied by everyone. If Jesus did rise from the dead, then no matter how bad things get, it is relatively light and momentary, preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison (2 Corinthians 4:17). We are of all men most to be envied, because He is risen indeed.
People want to live a life that counts for something, something bigger than themselves. But when they count the cost, they realise that it is not worth it, because why would they give up their lives for anything, if this life is all there is? But Christ has been raised, showing us that there is glorious more beyond the grave. So no suffering in this life is unreasonable.
We have the opportunity to reflect on what the rising of Christ really means for us, on how our lives should be now that the resurrection is true, and on how we may pursue that life.