SIGNS OF TRUE CONVERSION (Acts 2:40-47) We must examine ourselves to see whether we are in the faith. The evidence of true faith is the reorganisation of priorities. Three loves…
SUMMARY Peter has just told them that they had crucified the very King for whom they had been waiting for, a tragedy beyond all tragedies. They had missed the opportunity,…
What is the unforgivable Sin? Could a Christian have committed the unforgivable sin and not know it? We'll be looking at Mark 3:22-30 for the answer.
Acts 2:33-37 This part is about the Ascension of Christ. Where is Jesus now physically? He now sits at the right hand of the Father in glory, ruling and reigning…
In this first Christian sermon, we see that preaching is God's way of advancing His Kingdom. This sermon was Christ-centered, including as it did the unpacking of scripture, and with…
Acts 2:22-24 The gospel is not just a message of salvation, but it is the very power of God for salvation. We are touched and transformed spiritually by the gospel.…
Acts 2:14-21 We saw that Luke, having written the account of Jesus' ministry on earth, continues the account of Christ's ministry in the book of Acts, only this time it…
Pentecost is a history-shaping, history-dividing event. We have other history-shaping events in the scriptures, and even in our own lives. Scripture examples would be the Fall, Babel, the Exodus, the…