The Philippian Jailer


Main Scripture:

The Philippian Jailer

Acts 16:11-34
There's a lot of talk nowadays about freedom and oppression. So what does it mean to be oppressed or free?
Interestingly, the world's way of defining these words have changed, leaning more toward a more Biblical definition of the terms.
Used to be:
Freedom - let's you to do whatever you want.
Oppression - stops you from doing whatever you want.
Freedom - let's you to be who you are/who you're meant to be.
Oppression - stops you from being who you are/what you want to be.
The dynamic of oppression and freedom is clearly shown before us in the text.
I. True oppression:
The slave girl
- slave in a literal sense
- enslaved by evil spirit (divination)
- slave by her own sinfulness (being unsaved)
II. True freedom:
The disciples
- who sing praises and hymns inside the prison
- because they are free from hell, they do not need to be free from suffering
- it is the spiritual freedom that they now have in Christ that is represented by the opening of the prison doors.
Do we know this kind of freedom - where we can sing in prison, in our dark moments, in pain and suffering?
We should if we are true Christians.
Do we know this freedom of having the spiritual dungeon doors flung open, chains broken, for us?
The prison guard:
- wakes to the darkest moment of his life - doors opened and so he draws his sword to kill himself for losing the prisoners, until Paul shouts to stop him
- cries, "what must I do to be saved?"
What grace from God that brought him to asking that question!
- we see how it goes from oppression to freedom, from him trying to kill himself to singing praises alongside the rest of his saved family.
Are you saved? Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved!
Other thoughts that came through in the sermon
- Paul's priority is gospel proclamation over casting out demons. Proof is the fact that he waited for many days before he casts out the demon from her, compelled by irritation
- Paul speaks directly to the evil spirit.
When faced with the same situation today, are we to speak to the evil spirit and command them to leave? The authority that Paul has is apostolic. What we should do today is preach the gospel. As we do, people are truly set free.
- Everybody is a servant to a master- whether of God, money, lusts, etc.